The journal publishes three types of articles. All articles must be in fluent academic English and follow the journals required presentation and formatting requirements.

1.) Original research articles


The journal publishes stand-alone articles on all aspects of contemporary French politics based on original pieces of research. Comparative papers where France is one of the countries included in the analysis, including large-n comparative studies as well as papers in the area of international relations that include France are welcome. Submissions that focus on political theory or political philosophy that include a French component will be considered as well. The journal also publishes papers on politics in Francophone countries and regions.

Original research Articles should normally be between 8,000-10,000 words in length. Exceptionally, longer papers will be accepted. Authors should submit articles electronically in Word format. Articles must be in fluent academic English, double spaced (including all notes and references) and follow the journal’s standard format and style formats ( link to submission information on website). All original research articles are sent for external peer review to at least two reviewers. All submissions should be sent to the lead editor, Amy G. Mazur at .

Special issues

The journal also publishes collections five + original research articles along a common theme edited by one person or a team. The journal will also publish smaller symposia, which normally comprise two or three original research articles. Proposals for special issues should be sent directly to the lead editor, Amy Mazur for consideration, mazur@wsu who will consult at least one Associate Editor prior to deciding whether the proposed articles will be sent out for review.

Proposals should include a succinct and brief overview of the goals and contributions of the SI with a list of articles and contributing authors, each piece with its own abstracts. The SI Editor (s) will be the interface between the lead editor and contributing authors. All articles will be sent out for normal double-blind review and may have the potential to be rejected and more than likely will be given a revise and resubmit. At least three potential reviewers should be suggested for each article. Potential special issue editors are encouraged to contact Amy prior to putting together a proposal and should familiarize themselves with the Special Issues that have already been published by the journal.

Authors should submit articles electronically in Word format. Articles must be in fluent academic English, double spaced (including all notes and references) and follow the journal’s standard format and style formats (presentation and formatting).

2.) Data, Methods, and Measures Articles
Michael Lewis-Beck, Editor

The journal publishes articles on Data, Methods, and Measures relating to all aspects of contemporary French politics. The journal welcomes data-led articles that provide an original contribution to research but that are smaller in length than standard original research articles.

In addition, the journal welcomes other types of Data, Methods, and Measures Articles. These might include papers that focus on the application of particular research methods; the presentation of new data sets, including information about the sources of funding and the challenges involved in the data collection; description of fieldwork, such as elite interviewing, and the particular challenges involved; and data about academic publishing trends. There should be at least some French component to the material, but comparative papers are strongly encouraged. The journal does not publish short, descriptive reviews of elections in France. However, the journal welcomes short articles that present data about particular aspects of the election, including studies of specific aspects of voting behaviour.

Data, Methods, and Measures submission are sent for external peer review to at least two reviewers. and should normally be between 4,000-8,000 words in length. Longer papers will be considered in exceptional circumstances. Authors should submit articles electronically in Word format. Articles must be in fluent academic English, double spaced (including all notes and references) and follow the journal’s standard format and style formats (presentation and formatting).

Submissions can be sent directly to the leader editor, Amy Mazur, at

3.) Review Articles Section
Isabelle Guinaudeau, Editor

The journal publishes state of the field articles on all aspects of contemporary French politics. A special focus on France is not required, as long as the case of France (or francophone countries) is covered, for instance when citing examples. The journal in general encourages placing France in a comparative perspective so this is a welcome focus for a review essay. We are open to a broad range of types of reviews that might include, reviews of one or more recent publications, in-depth reviews of ‘classic’ publications, identifying their influence and their continued intellectual relevance; personal reminiscences on the development and current state of the profession; general ‘state-of-the-art’ review essays on particular topics in the discipline; resumés by authors of their upcoming book; more speculative agenda-setting think-piece, or any other proposals that fit the base criteria. We do not publish reviews of a single book. Authors are encouraged to place the publications under review in their broader intellectual context, identifying their specific contribution and how they relate to existing literature.

Review Articles should be between 4,000-8,000 words in length; in exceptional circumstances slightly longer essays will be considered. Authors should submit articles electronically in Word format. Articles must be in fluent academic English, double spaced (including all notes and references) and follow the journal’s standard format and style formats (submissions).

Please send submissions directly to the Review Editor, Isabelle Guinaudeau who is also happy to answer any queries about the review submission process.