Palgrave Macmillan and the editorial team have selected this set of papers from the archive of the journal to give a representative sample of the best of our content.

How and why an independent audit matters
Robert J Kueppers and Kristen B Sullivan

A single set of worldwide auditing standards: The road is long …
P Nicholas Fraser

A discussion of auditor judgment as the critical component in audit quality – A practitioner's perspective
Phil D Wedemeyer

Perceptions of preparers, users and auditors regarding financial statement audits conducted by Big 4 accounting firms
Glen L Gray and Nicole V S Ratzinger

Auto enrolment, pension trusts and ethical finance: Banks and regulators have an increasing role in promoting Shariah finance
Zia Akhtar

Governance practices and firm performance: Does shareholders’ proximity to management matter?
Richard Bozec

Improving corporate performance by enhancing team dynamics at the board level
Solange Charas

Corporate governance reforms in emerging countries: A case study of Bangladesh
Pallab Kumar Biswas