Preparation of manuscripts

Articles should not have been published elsewhere, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. They should be word-processed in English, double-spaced throughout, allowing at least three centimetres on all sides of the text, on one side of A4 white paper, with the pages numbered consecutively.

An abstract of 100-150 words, should accompany the manuscript. After the abstract five 'key words' should be included. The current position and affiliation of the author or authors should be included on the title page.
Keep textual notes to a minimum, indicate them with superscript numbers, and provide the note text as a list at the end of the article before the references. Please do not use footnotes.


Authors are asked to take particular care in following the House Style for references:

Each reference should be in Harvard style:

I. References in the text (Jones, 1997) to include surname and date. Et al should be used where there are more than two authors (Jones et al, 1997).
II. Full references should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper. All authors should be identified by surname and initial(s). Et al should not be used in full references.

Titles of books, journals and reports should be italicised.

References to journal articles should include both volume and issue numbers, and the page range (thus 'Vol. 2, No. 3, pp 7-33').

Page ranges should use the en-rule rather than dashes (shown in the above example); the same applies to such cases as 'during the period 1977-81' or 'on some 25-30 occasions'.

References to specific points in a work, or to direct quotations, should give the relevant page number(s).


Sherman, L.W., Gartin, P. and Beurger, M. (1989) Hot Spots of Predatory Crime: Routine Activities and the Criminology of Place. Criminology. Vol. 27, No. 1, pp 27-56.

Manunta, G. (1998b) Security: An Introduction. Cranfield: Cranfield University Press, pp 45-52.

Friedman, S.B. and Darragh, A.J. (1988) Economic Development. In So, F.S. and Getzels, J. (eds) The Practice of Local Government. Washington, DC: International City Management Association.

Winchester, S. and Jackson, H. (1982) Residential Burglary: The Limits of Prevention. Home Office Research Study No. 74. London: Home Office.

Referencing different types of publication:


May, E. (1997) Terrorism. Basingstoke: Macmillan, p 43.

Article in journal:

Smith, D. and Hope, A.E. (1984) Fear and Trembling: Terrorism in Three Religious Traditions. American Political Science Review. Vol. 78, pp 658-677.
(Please note the use of capitals and that the title of the journal is in italics.)

Essay in a book:

Ivianski, Z. (1988) The Terrorist Revolution; The Roots of Modern Terrorism. In Rapoport, D. (ed.) Inside Terrorist Organizations. London: Cass.


The Mail on Sunday, 12 January 1986.
Research studies, papers or reports:
Winchester, S. and Jackson, H. (1982) Residential Burglary: the Limits of Prevention. Home Office Research Study, 74. London: Home Office.

A reference from the Internet:

Details of this call can be obtained from