Editorial Statement

The Journal of Revenue & Pricing Management serves as a bridge between practice and theory in order to advance the field through dissemination and publication of leading articles for the benefit of industry and the wider community. A strong emphasis is placed on the utility value of research in which application is demonstrated.

Address for submissions

Submissions should be addressed to:

Ian Yeoman
E-mail: ian.yeoman@nhlstenden.com
Please clearly state for which journal you are contributing.

General guidelines

Authors should not seek to use the Journal as a vehicle for marketing any specific product or service.

Authors should avoid the use of language or slang that is not in keeping with the academic and professional style of the Journal.

Titles of organisations etc. should be written out first in full and thereafter in initials.

Authors are asked to ensure that references to named people and/or organisations are accurate and without libelous implications.

In writing your paper you are encouraged to review or reference papers in the area you are addressing previously published in the journal. This provides coherence and continuity for our readers.

Review procedure

Authors submitting papers for publication should specify which section of the Journal they wish their paper to be considered for: ‘Research Papers’ or ‘Practice Papers’. Papers submitted for publication in the ‘Research Papers’ section will be subject to strict double-blind refereeing and will be reviewed by at least two referees. Those submitted for publication as a practice paper will be refereed normally by one member of the Editorial Board.

The editors and publisher will do everything possible to ensure that the manuscripts are dealt with promptly and that those which are accepted are quickly published.