We are excited to announce a new feature of the journal: an online, open blog forum, to feature debate, opinion and conversations circulating around the many disciplines where health and social theory collide.

We hope the blog will provide a space for responses to content published in Social theory & Health as well short pieces on topics not yet explored by the journal.

The Editors are pleased to invite blog contributions from health sociologists, psychologists and economists and to practitioners from medicine, nursing and other allied disciplines. Blog post submissions should be sent to: grahamscambler@hotmail.com.

We invite you to enter the fray at https://socialtheoryhealth.wordpress.com/

See Professor Scambler’s introductory post here.

Recent highlights....

Sometimes, Mexicans are not Hispanic: The misuse of ethnicity in health research

Ietza Bojorquez, Julian A. Fernandez-Niño, Aaron Salinas, Betty Manrique

System meet Lifeworld in the quality of patient education in Norway

Roar Stokken

Losses, Legacies and P/political Working

Gayle Letherby

Is discrimination of body size a new form of classism? The Chilean case

Maria Alejandra Energici

Why philosophy matters?

Joanna Moncrieff

Is it time to re-evaluate neurosis? The work of Wilhelm Reich

Tom Lennard

A Sociology Clinic: A Sociology of the People, by the People, for the People?
Anders Bye

Easing of US Trade Embargo, the Cuban Paradox, and Lessons in Health Care: A Natural Experiment
Christopher J. Fries

A Manifesto for Action Nursing
Benny Goodman