Figures and Tables

Line drawings, maps, charts, graphs, diagrams, photos, etc. should all be labelled as figures. Number tables and figures consecutively, using Arabic numerals, in order of appearance (one series for tables, one for figures). Long tables that have many panels should preferably be broken into separately numbered tables. Each table or figure must have at least one sentence in your text that introduces it.

In-text references to tables should be in sequential order throughout the paper. A table should be understandable on its own. The text should highlight the main points in a table and summarize its message, but not duplicate the details. Tables should not have any lengthy introductory text; any necessary notes should be included as footnotes to the table and should not repeat text from the body of the paper. Indicate the position of each table and figure in the text ("Figure 1 goes about here") on the page where it is introduced.

Figures and tables should be placed at the end of the manuscript. Each figure or table should begin on a new page. Titles of tables and figures should be short and descriptive. They should not contain acronyms, abbreviations or symbols. The number and title for each table or figure should be typed on separate lines. Make sure the necessary measures of statistical significance are reported with each table. Cite sources directly below each table or figure. Do not insert tables in your document as pictures.

All tables should be editable in Word. Embedded Excel worksheets are acceptable, provided the author has taken into account the amount of data that can reasonably fit on a journal page. Tints are not acceptable in figures as they do not reproduce well in printing.