Modern Management Challenges

Exploring solutions to contemporary issues

A Note from Our Business Publisher

P_Liz BarlowToday’s workplace is a fast moving hub of diversity, culture and technological change. Coupled with the pressure to deliver better results to compete in a globalized world, leaders and managers play a crucial role in ensuring that the talents of employees are used to their full potential, and that the future success of their firm is secured.

Bringing together insights from leading experts and authors, this campaign touches on the four critical elements of contemporary management; diversity, leadership, strategy and CSR.

Reflecting on the #metoo campaign, Alison Sheridan, author of Inclusive Leadership, highlights the imperative for workplaces to be more inclusive and enabling so that everyone can flourish. She reminds us of the enormous payoffs for businesses who manage diversity well. Is the answer to improving diversity at the senior level to introduce quotas? Cathrine Seierstad investigates the complexity of such regulation, and looks to European countries for examples and lessons learned.

Turning to more strategic challenges, Mats Larsson, author of Circular Business Models addresses the problem of declining resources such as oil, and explores how to prepare your business for a sustainable future. In their book Scenario Thinking, George Cairns and George Wright explain how our ‘cognitive biases’ can often lead to bad decision making. With practical tools, they aim to help readers undertake scenario analysis for their own organizations.

With this broad range of expertise and insight into the most pressing challenges for organizations, we put forward fresh perspectives and practical solutions to the issues that managers face every day.

Liz publishes scholarly books across all sub-disciplines of business and management. She welcomes proposals for monographs, edited collections, Handbooks, new series and Palgrave Pivots and is always keen to discuss new ideas. Get in touch with her at