Manuscripts should be submitted to in Word format. The title page should be a separate file, or may be included in the covering e-mail.

In extreme circumstances we will accept paper submissions, but this may considerably delay the review of the paper. Authors should submit 3 copies of their article (with any original illustrations and including all references and notes) to:

In North America:

Professor Martin A. Schain
Editor - Comparative European Politics
Center for European Studies
New York University
285 Mercer Street, 7th floor
New York
NY 10003, USA.

In Rest of World:

Professor Colin Hay
Editor - Comparative European Politics
Department of Politics
University of Sheffield, Elmfield
Northumberland Road
Sheffield S10 2TU

Authors should confirm at point of submission that their article is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Comparative European Politics publishes review essays, not individual book reviews. Individuals interested in writing review essays should send inquiries or full proposals (a short abstract describing the theme of the essay plus bibliographic information on the works to be reviewed - please select no more than three recently published books) to

David J. Bailey, POLSIS,
University of Birmingham,
Birmingham B15 2TT, UK