Article Types

Standard Research Articles

All standard research article submissions must be made via our online system for peer review.

These should be between 6,000 and 8.000 words (including notes and references).

Please submit the following TWO documents:

1. Author information file

• the title of the article
• a short running title of no more than 45 characters (including spaces)
• the author(s)’ names and affiliations
• a short biography of no more than 100 words for each author
• email address for the corresponding author
• word count for the entire submission: this should include, abstract, notes, references and any acknowledgements

Please take care to craft a title and an abstract that are direct and accessible. Titles should be short, and abstracts should be informative for non-specialists.

2. Article file

MS Word document, in English 12 point font, double line spaced

• the title of the article
• an abstract of no more than 200 words
• up to six keywords
• the full article text, including references
• Figures/tables can be uploaded as a separate document or can be added to the main article file after the text and references

Digital War operates a conventional double-blind reviewing policy in which the reviewers’ names are always concealed from the submitting author(s) and vice versa. Each submitted manuscript is reviewed by a minimum of two referees of appropriate standing in the field.

Intervention and Commentary pieces

We also encourage the submission of commentary, artistic, policy and legal pieces, and short speculative and polemical essays.

For advice on the scope and the procedure for submission of these, email the editors:
Andrew Hoskins and William Merrin

Reviews (books, conferences, artworks)

Inquiries about book reviews should be directed to our Reviews Editor: Ally McCrow-Young,

Books (2 copies) and other materials for review should be sent to
Ally McCrow-Young
Department of Media, Cognition and Communication
Section of Film, Media and Communication
Karen Blixens Plads 8, 14.4.09
DK-2300 Copenhagen S