Politics in Practice

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    Note to the studio editor

    Actions from the studio need to be interpreted by the displaying application and only certain ids are interpreted. When you see this text the id you entered is not mapped to the context where it is currently used in.

    Current ID: nba-subscription

    The following ids are possible as standalone widgets:


    Shows a list of recommended books and journals with covers only.


    Shows a list of recommended books (either given by ISBN, recommended via Baynote or the latest of the discipline). The viewtype can be default (covers, information, price) or carousel (cover, title).

    baynotePageType (string)
    Name of baynote page type for filtering.
    disciplineResourceKey (string)
    Suffix of the resource key that contains the headline for the page on e.g. the facet search page. Maintained in 'Frontend.ProductSearchPage@section.resultlist.facet.'.
    discipline (string)
    Name of the main discipline as given in the CMA channel name (EAST view).
    discipline (string_list)
    List of subjectcodes.
    isbns (string)
    List of isbns separated by comma.
    isbns (string_list)
    List of isbns.
    random (boolean)
    If checked the list is randomized.
    size (int)
    Number of products to show. If missing the default is 18.Isbn-based lists ignore the size.
    textbook (boolean)
    Defines whether the list contains textbooks
    Only textbooks are shown
    Only non-textbooks are shown
    Textbooks and non-textbooks are shown
    hideDynamicLink (boolean)
    If checked no link is built to the facet search.
    latest (boolean)
    Shows a list of matching products from the product index (not Baynote) with newest products first.
    imprint (string_list)
    Shows a list of matching products from the product index which match the imprints.
    language (string)
    Used for language as a filter in baynote recommendations
    productCategoriesOnly (string_list)
    List of product categories required in book recommendations
    productCategoriesExclude (string_list)
    List of product categories to be excluded in book recommendations
    seriesIDs (string_list)
    List of Series ids required in book recommendations


    Shows a list of recommended journals (manually maintained) with covers and title.

    journalNumbers (string)
    List of journal numbers separated by comma.
    random (boolean)
    If checked the list is randomized.


    Shows a list of recommended bookseries (manually maintained) with covers and title.

    orderNumbers (string)
    List of order/series numbers separated by comma.
    random (boolean)
    If checked the list is randomized.


    Shows a list of disciplines without title.


    Shows a list of jobs open for different locations


    Shows list of three USPs


    Shows list of advantages


    Shows three columns of trust pilot


    Show a list of disciplines links


    Show a list of newest books


    Show a list of recommended books


    Author query article approval


    A widget that allows a user to subscribe to the NBA by entering his email address


    Shows the daily deal in homepage design.

    The following ids are possible in the context of a Wizard-Collection:


    Shows a registration form with instructor address information.


    Shows a registration form with instructor data information.


    Shows a welcome message to the new instructor.