Olympic and Paralympic Games: their legacy in the image and reputation of hosting cities and nations

Guest Editors:

  • Olga Kolotouchkina, Complutense University of Madrid, olga.kolotouchkina@ucm.es
  • Laura Ripoll González, Erasmus University Rotterdam, ripollgonzalez@essb.eur.nl

The Olympic and Paralympic Games are a critical milestone on the public diplomacy and place branding agendas of host cities and countries. The catalytical impact of these sports mega events unfolds across the economic, social, and environmental domains (Andranovich and Burbank, 2011; Florek and Insch, 2011; Maiello and Pasquinelli, 2015). The Games are also envisaged as a soft power tool to (re)generate, establish or influence the international image of the host city (and country). This is often done through enhancing local cultural assets, meanings and symbolic values in connection to the Olympic and Paralympic movement (Dubinsky, 2023; Grix et al., 2019; Nye, 2008; Pamment, 2019; Snow, 2009).

This Special Issue aims to explore the intersecting dynamics, contested legacies, complexities, and challenges associated with the global phenomenon of hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games, specifically concerning the brand, image and reputation of their host cities and countries. We invite conceptual and empirical research studies that offer novel theoretical insights, reflections on current practices and analysis of best (and not so good) practices in the context of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games experience and previous Olympic and Paralympic events. Topics of this Special Issue include, but are not limited to:

  • Impact and legacy of the Olympic and Paralympic Games on the image and reputation of host cities and countries.
  • The role of the Olympic and Paralympic Games as global platforms for raising awareness on critical societal challenges related to sustainability transitions, social inequalities and the digital divide.
  • Ambassadorship roles in the Olympic and Paralympic Games: national teams and athletes as ambassadors and influencers of their hosting cities and countries; civil society’s role as local hosts and ambassadors.
  • The boundaries of local and global culture, meanings and values in the Olympic and Paralympic narratives.
  • Citizens’ engagement in the bidding, lead up, organization, event and post-event phases of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
  • Counter-narratives and counter-branding in the context of Olympic and Paralympic events and associated urban planning and development policies and plans.

The deadline for submitting abstracts is 15th September 2024 and the deadline for submitting full papers is 15th December 2024.

Please ensure that all submissions are tagged as belonging to this special issue under the Additional Information tab.

Authors interested in submitting their paper to this CfP are required to send their abstracts (maximum of 300 words, with a tentative title) by 15 September 2024 to Olga (olga.kolotouchkina@ucm.es), and Laura (ripoll gonzalez@essb.eur.nl). Selected authors will be invited to submit a full manuscript for consideration for inclusion in the special issue (invited authors will be notified by 30 September 2024). Please note that acceptance of full papers is subject to double blind review as required by the journal. Full papers are due 15 December 2024. Papers whose abstracts have not passed initial screening will regrettably not be accepted to the special issue.

Read the full Call for Papers here.

Best Paper Award

Despite what the name suggests, the journal of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, does not actually publish many papers that combine these two fields; and we want to change that! Hence, we’re delighted that Palgrave Macmillan is offering a £200 best paper award for papers that do just that; thoroughly bridge the bodies of knowledge in place branding and public diplomacy.

The competition applies to papers published in the journal of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy online first in or before 2022 (i.e. papers submitted this year or early next year). The award will be granted in 2023.