Palgrave Macmillan and the editorial team have selected this set of papers from the archive of the journal to give a representative sample of the best of our content.

These papers, listed in chronological order, are available free to read and download.

Repeat burglary victimization in Malawi and the influence of housing type and area-level affluence
Aiden Sidebottom
Security Journal (2012) 25, 265-281;

Enemies within: Redefining the insider threat in organizational security policy
David S Wall
Security Journal (2013) 26, 107-124;

Sustaining the crime reduction impact of designing out crime: Re-evaluating the Secured by Design scheme 10 years on
Rachel Armitage and Leanne Monchuk
Security Journal (2011) 24, 320-343

Intruder alarm systems: Is the security industry installing and maintaining alarm systems in compliance to Australian Standard AS2201?
David J Brooks
Security Journal (2011) 24, 101-117;

Multiplicities of corporate security: Identifying emerging types, trends and issues
Randy K Lippert, Kevin Walby and Rhys Steckle
Security Journal (2013) 26, 206-221;

Reconceptualizing public area surveillance and crime prevention: Security guards, place managers and defensible space
Brandon C Welsh, Mark E Mudge, David P Farrington
Security Journal (2010) 23, 299-319;

Gender, crime victimization and fear of crime
Kathleen A Fox, Matt R Nobles, Alex R Piquero
Security Journal (2009) 22, 24-39;