Nomination procedure

This annual award aims to recognize the best article appearing in the previous year’s volume of Acta Politica. The prize is given to an article that makes a substantial contribution to the field of political science. Acta Politica is an international political science journals with a broad scope across the discipline. As the official journal of the Dutch Political Science Association (Nederlandse Kring voor de Wetenschap der Politiek) it covers such sub-areas as Dutch and comparative politics, as well as international relations, political theory, public administration and political communication. Original articles published on any subject within the volume are eligible for consideration for the Prize. The jury is composed of the co-editors and editorial board members. The prize fund is generously supported by NKWP.

Acta Politica Annual Prize 2023

Congratulations to Troels Fage Hedegaard and Christian Albrekt Larsen who won the 2023 Acta Politica Best Paper Award for their paper titled ‘The hidden European consensus on migrant selection: a conjoint survey experiment in the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, and Denmark