Aims & Scope
Contemporary Political Theory has quickly established itself in the top rank of peer-reviewed journals in political theory and philosophy. Under new editorship in 2010, the journal is now based in both the USA and UK and reaches out to authors and readers in Europe, Asia and Oceania. It will continue, through a rigorous peer-review process, to seek out the very best work from the wide array of interests that constitute ‘contemporary political theory’: from post-structuralist thought to analytical philosophy, from feminist theory to international relations theory, from philosophies of the social sciences to the cultural construction of political theory itself. The editors welcome submissions from disciplines outside philosophy and political science, including but certainly not limited to: geography and anthropology, women’s studies and gender studies, cultural studies and economics, literary theory and film studies. Contemporary Political Theory publishes a challenging and eclectic mix of articles that contribute both to rethinking what political theory is and does, and to promoting lively engagements with contemporary global politics.