The Christopher Coker Prize

For the best paper on strategic studies published in the International Politics

Professor Christopher Coker (1953-2023) was a member of the faculty of the London School of Economics and Political Science for 40 years. After retiring from his professorship, he took up the directorship of the think-tank LSE Ideas. Educated at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge he was mentored by Sir Michael Howard, Hedley Bull, and Phillip Windsor. He went on to become a leading international philosopher of war and strategic studies and published 27 books in the field. His work was truly interdisciplinary – his study of war seasoned not just by political science, but with literature, philosophy, and anthropology. Most importantly, Christopher Coker was a valued mentor, generous with his time and always supportive of his students. He was also a longtime supporter of International Politics, which was published out of the LSE for many years.

In his memory, International Politics, has created an annual award for the best paper in strategic studies. All papers falling within the scope of the award published in a single volume of IP are eligible. The winner will receive a 500GBP award to support their research. Honorable mentions may be named.

If you are interested in the Christopher Coker prize, please submit your papers on topics related to war studies, strategic studies or international security to IP following our regular submission process.