The American Journal of Psychoanalysis invites contributions from scholars and practitioners in psychoanalysis and related fields. Original work, not previously published in English or considered for publication elsewhere, including all electronic publications, must be offered for exclusive publication only. The Editor reserves the right to reject any manuscript submitted, whether on invitation or on the initiative of the writer, and to make whatever suggestions for change as deemed necessary for publication.

Please prepare your manuscript in Microsoft Word or Word-compatible format and send as an email attachment to the Editor-in-Chief, Giselle Galdi, PhD:

The body of the email to the Editor must include the following information: Full name(s) of author(s) and their degrees; academic and professional affiliations; complete mailing addresses; and telephone numbers. In addition, the email must contain the Title, an Abstract of no more than 150 words, and 4 to 6 Key Words. Importantly, in the email the author should notify the editor if the article has already appeared in a foreign language or has been submitted elsewhere.


The author must retain a copy, as the journal cannot be responsible for manuscripts.

Original papers, up to 10,000 words, (including references), contributed solely to the American Journal of Psychoanalysis, will be considered for publication. The author should notify the editor if the article has already appeared in a foreign language or has been submitted elsewhere. The journal will not consider for publication in the journal material previously published in English, including the Internet.

All manuscripts will be double blind peer-reviewed by three or more editorial board members to maintain the highest quality and to verify relevance, accuracy, and clarity of presentation. The page layout must be in 8.5 x 11 in. format with 1 in. margins on all sides of the page, and text must be in Times New Roman 12-point font, double spaced.

The Title Page should include full name(s) of author(s); degrees; academic and professional affiliations; complete mailing address; telephone number; fax number; and the e-mail address of the author to whom proofs are to be sent. All author-related information should be removed from the pages that follow the Title Page.

The following page (the first page of the actual paper) should contain the title of the paper and an Abstract of no more than 150 words, which must succinctly describe the author’s main points and the way these points will be conveyed. 4 to 8 Key Words, reflecting the main points of the Abstract, should follow.

AJP Manuscript Style

The customary Manuscript Style of the American Journal of Psychoanalysis should be used as a guide in preparation of all submissions. In case of uncertainty about format authors should consult articles published in the American Journal of Psychoanalysis by visiting

In the text

References in the text should provide the author’s name and, in parentheses, the year of the original publication of the paper or book. Example: Ferenczi (1929) explored…

If the name of the source is not specifically stated in the sentence, place in parentheses the author’s name, followed by a comma and the year of the original publication. Example: The concept of false self (Winnicott, 1960)…

For two or more publications, use semicolons to separate the names of authors.

Example: In Freud’s lifetime, his views on female psychology were challenged (Horney, 1924, 1926, 1932, 1933; Jones, 1927; Fenichel, 1930)…

Quotations: Whenever material is cited verbatim, give a page reference in parentheses. Example: Balint (1968) writes: “I should like to submit that the theory of primary narcissism has proved self-contradicting and unproductive” (p. 65).

Reference section

All references cited in the text must be listed in the Reference section.

References should be arranged alphabetically by author and typed double-spaced. The reference list should include only those sources that are cited in the text. Names of journals and titles of books should be italicized, as in recent issues of the American Journal of Psychoanalysis.

A journal article should include the volume number of the journal and the page range of the article should be specified. Example: Dupont, J. (2013). Ferenczi at Maresfield Gardens. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 73, 1–7.

A chapter from a book must include the page range of the chapter, as well as the publisher of the book should be listed. Example: Rubins, J. L. (1978). The Berlin Psychoanalytic before the fall. In: Karen Horney: Gentle rebel of psychoanalysis. (pp. 108–142). New York: Dial Press.

A chapter in an edited book is referenced by listing the name(s) of the chapter author(s), date of publication, the title of the chapter, the title of the book and then the editors, and the page range of the chapter. Example: Winnicott, D. W. (1968). The squiggle game. In Psycho-analytic explorations. C. Winnicott, R. Shepherd, & M. Davis (Eds.). (pp. 299 –317). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

If the chapter in an edited book was originally published in a journal, please include the source of the original publication. Example: Horney, K. (1926). The flight from womanhood. In Feminine psychology. H. Kelman (Ed. and Introduction). (pp. 54–70). New York: W. W. Norton & Company. 1967. Also in International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 7, 324–339. 1926.

Books cited in the text are referenced by listing the name of the author, year of original publishing, title of book, place and name of publisher. If it has been republished, year of republication. Example: Balint, M. (1968). The basic fault. Therapeutic aspects of regression. New York: Brunner/Mazel. 1992.

Footnotes should be used sparingly and not for giving references. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numbers and should be on the bottom of the relevant page.

Patient Confidentiality and Anonymization Guidelines

Publication of clinical material by psychoanalysts and psychotherapists is essential to the development of knowledge in psychoanalysis and the broader mental health field, and the growth and maintenance of high standards of patient care. Patient privacy should be protected so that patients can speak and act freely with full confidence. Ethical and legal considerations require the protection of patients’ anonymity in case reports and elsewhere.

Authors whose papers include accounts of clinical work are required to take all necessary measures to ensure that none of the individuals written about can be identified by any third party and to fully minimize the likelihood that the patient(s) will recognize him/her/themself. To meet these objectives, this publication has adopted guidelines to be followed by all authors, which are required in the submission and throughout the review process. These guidelines align with the prevailing standards of our professions. Special care should be taken in cases including children and adolescents. There will be no exceptions.

Submitting Your Anonymized Article

For papers that contain clinical material, authors whose papers are accepted for publication will receive a Patient Confidentiality and Anonymization Form in which they must verify that they have anonymized an individual or individuals’ identity and indicate which method(s) of anonymization has been used.

Some helpful resources about this topic, that can be found on PEP, include: Kantrowitz, J. L. (2004). Writing about patients: I. Ways of protecting confidentiality and analyst’s conflicts over choice of method. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 52, 69–99; Gabbard, G. O. (2000). Disguise or consent: Problems and Recommendations concerning the publication and presentation of clinical material. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 81, 1071–1086; Ackerman, S. (2018). (How) can we write about our patients? Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 66, 59–81.