"Innovative and Sustainable Marketing in the Global Financial Services Industry"

The Journal of Financial Services Marketing (JFSM) is committed to playing a major role in accelerating the solutions that address the world’s urgent challenges related to financial services marketing. As part of this effort, in 2021, JFSM initiated an annual special issue in partnership with notable international conferences.

The first special issue in this conference collaboration initiative was published in December 2021 with nine research papers focused on the impact of COVID-19 on the global financial services industry. The second edition was published in December 2022 with 9 research papers exploring financial planning sustainability in the global financial services market. The third special issue in the international conference collaboration alliance was published in December 2023 with 14 research papers discussing the disruptions, innovations and transformations in global financial services. This call for research paper submission is for our fourth special issue in collaboration with the Academy of Marketing 2024 International Conference.


Scope and Aim of the Special Issue:
JFSM Special Issue 2024/2025 provides an avenue for researchers to share insights on innovative financial products development, innovative modes of financial services delivery, and innovative financial marketing strategies, which can be used as valuable knowledge references to the sustainable transformations occurring in the global financial services sector. This call for paper submission invites empirical manuscripts covering bank and non-bank financial services marketing, with emphasis on innovative and sustainable transformations in global financial services.

Submission Guidelines and Deadlines:

The review and publication process will be subject to FSMA editorial procedures and at the discretion of the EIC.

Full paper submission:

  • The special issue editors invite full manuscripts that are likely to contribute satisfactorily to the theme of the special issue. They must be theoretically and methodologically sound, and contain novel ideas that advance knowledge, practice, and/or policy.
  • Articles submitted for consideration must be original - must not have been submitted and must not be subsequently submitted to any other publication.
  • The full manuscript must be submitted via the FSMA special issue submission portal on: https://www.editorialmanager.com/fsma/default2.aspx

Article Review:

  • Each article will be reviewed by at least two reviewers.
  • Final decisions on all manuscripts are made by the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.

Co-Guest Editors:

  • Professor Dr. Carolyn Strong, Professor of Marketing & Strategy, Cardiff University, Wales, United Kingdom.
  • Professor Dr. Yu Gyeom Oh, Research Professor, Marketing Analytics, SolBridge International School of Business, Daejeon, South Korea.


Submission Opens: 1st July 2024
Submission Deadline: 30th December 2024

Submission Opens: 26th October 2024
Submission Deadline: 30th December 2024
Planned Publication Date: In 2025

Manuscript Requirements:

The length of the manuscript is limited to 3,000 to 4,000 words (excluding references but including tables, figures, and appendices)

All manuscripts must be provided in WORD version.

All submissions must strictly follow the FSMA’s journal article writing style and format. Please refer to the FSMA submission guidelines at: https://www.palgrave.com/gp/journal/41264/authors/submission

Select this Special Issue when you submit. Take a look at a sample of the open access articles for guidance through at: https://www.palgrave.com/gp/journal/41264/volumes-issues/open-access-articles

To read the full Call for Papers please click here.