Banco de la República, the Latin American Reserve Fund (FLAR), the International Monetary Fund and the IMF Economic Review: “From Micro to Macro: Leveraging Microdata to Address Macroeconomic Issues” Submission deadline – February 15, 2025 - Bogotá, Colombia – August 5-6, 2025

The Banco de la República, the Latin American Reserve Fund (FLAR), the International Monetary Fund, and the IMF Economic Review are inviting paper submissions for their joint conference on “From Micro to Macro: Leveraging Microdata to Address Macroeconomic Issues” to be held in person in Bogotá, Colombia, on August 5-6, 2025.

The conference will focus on the use of microdata to answer macroeconomic questions and guide policymakers. Over the past decade, there have been significant shifts not only in demand for data but also data availability and granularity, driven by both private and public sectors. The increasing wealth of available data provides valuable opportunities to better inform policymaking. This conference aims to showcase an outstanding set of academic contributions that use microdata to tackle macroeconomic issues, directly by drawing from micro level evidence or employing models calibrated and tested with microdata. Microdata is broadly defined and includes, but is not limited to, administrative data (credit registry, tax, social security, etc.), survey data, and expectations data.

The organizers invite both empirical and theoretical research contributions on a broad set of issues relevant to emerging and developing economies. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • The effects of credit supply shocks and the transmission of monetary policy;
  • Inflation, exchange rate passthrough, and the effects of external shocks;
  • Business dynamism, productivity, innovation, and technology diffusion;
  • Structural transformation, the green energy transition, and artificial intelligence;
  • Human capital, aging, and labor market dynamics;
  • Wage inequality within and across countries;
  • Studies using cross-country microdata; and
  • Meta studies on the availability of and best practices by policymakers on the use of microdata.

Please send submissions in Adobe PDF format to: Selected papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of the IMF Economic Review. Along with your submission, please indicate whether you are interested in contributing to this issue. Papers that are not being submitted to the Review are also welcome.

Deadline for submissions is February 15, 2025. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by March 15. Preference will be given to finished papers. The conference sponsors will fund travel and accommodation expenses for speakers (one per paper) and discussants.

Organizing Committee:
Emine Boz (IMF and Co-Editor, IMF Economic Review)
Juan Esteban Carranza Romero (Head Officer for Economic Studies, Banco de la República)
Javier Cravino (University of Michigan and Guest Editor, IMF Economic Review)
Gabriela Cugat (IMF)
Carlos Giraldo (Chief Economist, Latin American Reserve Fund, FLAR)
Andrei Levchenko (University of Michigan and Editor, IMF Economic Review)
Veronica Rappoport (London School of Economics and Guest Editor, IMF Economic Review)

IMF Conference Coordinators:
Tracey Lookadoo and Julia Grisard

Norges Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and IMF Economic Review: "The Future of Macroeconomic Policy"
Submission deadline - February 15, 2023
Oslo, Norway—June 15-16, 2023

Norges Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the IMF Economic Review are inviting paper submissions for their joint conference on “The Future of Macroeconomic Policy” to be held in person in Oslo, Norway, June 15-16, 2023. The plenary speaker will be Guido Lorenzoni.

The conference will focus on the challenges facing macroeconomic policy. The post-pandemic recovery has been accompanied by an increasing number of challenges including record-high levels of public and private debt; the highest inflation seen in decades, with the corresponding financial-stability/credibility tradeoffs; a more fragmented and divided world, risking years of international cooperation and improved international trade flows; high energy prices emerging from the war in Ukraine. All of these challenges are happening while the required energy transition to tackle climate change is happening unevenly across countries, and, globally, the needed reduction in emissions keeps being postponed. Against this backdrop, this conference aims to assemble an outstanding set of academic contributions on topics related to how to (re?) design and calibrate macroeconomic policies going forward.

The conference organizers seek both theoretical and empirical research contributions. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

• The sustainability of public finances in an environment of high inflation and tightening credit
• The integration/disintegration of international markets and geoeconomic fragmentation
• The conduct of monetary and fiscal policy amid global supply shocks
• Policy approaches to mitigate and adapt to climate change

Please send submissions in Adobe PDF format to: Selected papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of the IMF Economic Review. Along with your submission, please indicate whether you also want to contribute to this issue. Papers that are not being submitted to the Review are also welcome.

Deadline for submissions is February 15, 2023. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by April 15. Preference will be given to finished papers. The conference sponsors will fund travel and accommodation expenses for speakers (one per paper) and discussants.

Organizing Committee:
Snorre Evjen (Norges Bank), Francesco Furlanetto (Norges Bank),
Andrei Levchenko (University of Michigan and Editor, IMF Economic Review), Prachi Mishra (IMF and Co-Editor, IMF Economic Review),
Adrian Peralta-Alva (IMF and Associate Editor, IMF Economic Review).
Juan Rubio-Ramirez (Emory University and Guest Editor, IMF Economic Review), and Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe (Columbia University and Guest Editor, IMF Economic Review).

IMF Conference Coordinator:
Tracey Lookadoo