European Central Bank, International Monetary Fund, and IMF Economic Review: “Global Challenges and Channels for Fiscal and Monetary Policy”

Submission deadline – March 15, 2024
Frankfurt am Main, Germany – July 23-24, 2024

The European Central Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the IMF Economic Review are inviting paper submissions for their joint conference on “Global Challenges and Channels for Fiscal and Monetary Policy” to be held in person in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, on July 23-24, 2024.

The conference will focus on the new global challenges for international fiscal and monetary policy. Just three years after the recent pandemic, policy makers are confronted with a new set of global challenges. These include increasing geoeconomic fragmentation, regional conflicts and climate change, which come with a higher frequency and changing nature of shocks (e.g., demand vs. supply, transitory vs. permanent, local vs. global). Against the backdrop of – despite the recent decline – high inflation, volatile inflation expectations, and record-high levels of public debt amid rising interest rates this conference aims to showcase an outstanding set of academic contributions on how to design, calibrate and coordinate monetary and fiscal policies in today’s global economy.

The conference organizers seek both theoretical and empirical research contributions. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to,

• the conduct of fiscal and monetary policy amid global supply shocks, tight labor markets, and heightened macroeconomic and political uncertainty

• the international transmission channels of fiscal and monetary policy under geoeconomic fragmentation, and the interaction between monetary and fiscal stability

• the international coordination of monetary, fiscal, and regulatory policies

• the sustainability of public financing with rising interest rates, fiscal dominance, and

• the long-term implications and trade-offs for monetary and fiscal policy.

Please send your submission in Adobe PDF format to Selected papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of the IMF Economic Review. Accepted papers, however, are not required to be submitted for publication in the Review. Please indicate along with your submission whether you want to contribute to this issue.

The deadline for submissions is March 15, 2024. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by May 1. Preference will be given to finished papers. The conference sponsors will fund travel and accommodation expenses for speakers (one per paper) and discussants. Participants from central banks and other official institutions will be expected to cover their own expenses.

Organizing Committee:
Carmelo Salleo (European Central Bank), Georg Strasser (European Central Bank), Andrei Levchenko (University of Michigan and Editor, IMF Economic Review), Prachi Mishra (IMF and Co-Editor, IMF Economic Review), Nan Li (IMF), Antonella Trigari (Bocconi University and Guest Editor, IMF Economic Review), and Ralph Luetticke (University of Tübingen and Guest Editor, IMF Economic Review).

IMF Conference Coordinator:
Tracey Lookadoo