New Content Item © Palgrave 2023Ari Van Assche
Professor, Department of International Business
HEC Montréal, Canada
Title: Editor-in-Chief
Area Scope: Holds overall responsibility for papers accepted for publication in the journal and oversees the strategic directions and new initiatives of the journal.

New Content Item © Palgrave 2023Valentina De Marchi
Associate Professor, Department of Society, Politics and Sustainability
Esade Business School, Spain
Title: Deputy Editor; Reviewing Editor
Area Scope: Aids the Editor-in-Chief in overseeing the strategic directions and initiatives of the journal. Acts as the Reviewing Editor responsible for conducting the first-stage screening of all submissions and performing desk rejects. Manuscripts that focus on environmental innovation, industrial clusters, and global value chains.

Anne HoekmanAnne Hoekman
Academy of International Business, United States
Title: Managing Editor
Area Scope: Responsible for coordinating the peer-review and publication processes; the central point of contact among authors, reviewers, editorial team, and publisher.

Rajneesh Narula © Palgrave 2023Rajneesh Narula
John H. Dunning Chair of International Business Regulation, Henley Business School
University of Reading, United Kingdom
Title: Perspectives Editor
Area Scope: Has primary responsibility for Commentary and Perspectives papers. Manuscripts that focus on policy implications associated with the activities of multinational enterprises from the perspective of both home and host countries.

Maria Alejandra Gonzalez Perez © Palgrave 2023Maria Alejandra Gonzalez Perez
Full Professor of Management
Universidad EAFIT, Colombia
Title: Outreach Mobilization Editor
Area Scope: Has primary responsibility for the journal’s outreach mobilization strategy. Manuscripts that focus on sustainable development and Latin America.

Sorin Krammer © Springer Nature 2024Sorin Krammer
Professor, Department of Strategy and International Business, University of Surrey, UK
Title: Book Review Editor
Area Scope: The Book Review Editor curates volumes that are relevant for both International Business (IB) scholars and policy. Expert scholars are then invited to review them for JIBP audience. The dual purpose of these book reviews is to reflect their key themes, evaluate contributions and impact, as well as develop a research agenda for future scholarship.


Suma Athreye © Palgrave 2023Suma Athreye
Professor of Technology Strategy, Essex Business School
University of Essex, United Kingdom
School of Public Policy, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India
Editorial area: Innovation; intellectual property rights; technological upgrading; India
Area scope: Manuscripts that focus on the international dimensions of innovation and on technology creation and acquisition in emerging markets. This includes research on technology trade between nations, international R&D management, international cooperation in science and technology, intellectual property rights regimes and their effect on innovation, open innovation, inclusive innovation, knowledge transfer policies, digital technologies, and technological upgrading.

Helena Barnard © Palgrave 2023Helena Barnard
Full Professor, Gordon Institute of Business Science
University of Pretoria, South Africa
Editorial area: Emerging markets; migration and development; Africa
Area scope: Manuscripts that focus on international business policy in emerging markets, and especially Africa. This includes research on both how firms from high income countries interact with governments in lower income countries, or how firms from emerging markets interact with governments in the countries to which they internationalize. It also comprises issues of knowledge sharing and mobility in emerging markets, for example diasporas, returnees, scientific collaboration and the legal implications of those (e.g. visa regimes and intellectual property protection).

Kristin Brandl photographKristin Brandl
Associate Professor, University of Victoria, Canada and Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Editorial Area: Multilateralism; international organizations; impact of national and supranational institutional environments on national and international business; emerging markets
Area Scope: Manuscripts that focus on multilateral and supranational dimensions and their impact on international and national policies and business. This includes studies on the impact of trade and investment collaborations and agreements, international organizations (intergovernmental and non-governmental), and the interplay of institutional dimensions on business within and across countries of different development levels.

Luis Alfonso Dau © Palgrave 2023Luis Alfonso Dau
Robert & Denise DiCenso Associate Professor, D’Amore-McKim School of Business
Northeastern University, United States
Editorial Area: Global strategy and international business policy; Latin America
Area scope: Manuscripts that focus on the interplay between global strategy and public policy. This includes studies on the impact of international business policies on strategy, entrepreneurship, international learning, performance, resilience, and sustainability. This applies to various firm types including multinational firms, family firms and business groups. Has primary responsibility for replication studies.

Xiaolan Fu © Palgrave 2023Xiaolan Fu
Professor, Department of International Development
Oxford University, United Kingdom
Editorial Area: Technology and international development; China; Africa
Area Scope: Manuscripts that focus on technology and international development. This includes studies on technology diffusion, technology upgrading, “under the radar” technologies, innovation in China, foreign direct investment and economic development.

Axèle Giroud © Palgrave 2023Axèle Giroud
Professor of International Business, Manchester Business School
University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Editorial Area: FDI and impact on host economies; linkages and knowledge transfer
Area Scope: Manuscripts that focus on the impact of MNE strategies, knowledge transfer and linkages on host economies and what this means for IB policy. This includes studies on FDI, economic development and regionalization; MNE linkages in host economies; inter- and intra-firm knowledge transfer and acquisition; business in emerging markets and in Asia.

Elisa Giuliani © Palgrave 2023Elisa Giuliani
Professor of Management
University of Pisa, Italy
Editorial Area: Business and human rights; international development; innovation
Area Scope: Manuscripts that focus on the social and environmental impact of international business and the implications for international business policy. Topics include international business and human rights policy; responsible innovation; industrial clusters and global value chains; multinational enterprises and development.

Robert Grosse © Palgrave 2023Robert Grosse
Professor of Business Administration
Thunderbird School of Global Management, United States
Editorial Area: Government–business relations; international finance; international economics; emerging markets
Area Scope: Manuscripts that focus on the complex nature of government-business relations. This includes studies on trade policy, FDI policy, state ownership and deglobalization. It also covers papers on international finance and sovereign wealth funds.

Ram Mudambi © Palgrave 2023Ram Mudambi
Frank M. Speakman Professor of Management, Fox School of Business
Temple University, United States
Editorial Area: Innovation policy; clusters and FDI location; global value chains
Area Scope: Studies focused on the international dimensions of R&D, innovation and knowledge management, science policy, as well as the role of multinational firms in national and regional economic development. The implications for policy makers must be an integral part of all studies.

Lilac Nachum © Palgrave 2023Lilac Nachum
Professor of International Business
City University New York, United States
Visiting Professor
Strathmore College, Kenya
Editorial Area: Global supply chains; social justice; Africa
Area Scope: Manuscripts that focus on globalization and its consequences for firms and countries; emerging market firms; technology and value creation across distance; political connection and firms’ internationalization.

Pavida Pananond © Palgrave 2023Pavida Pananond
Professor, Department of International Business, Transport and Logistics
Thammasat Business School, Thailand
Editorial Area: Emerging markets; economic upgrading; global value chains
Area Scope: Manuscripts that focus on policies related to global value chains, with a particular focus on emerging markets. This includes studies about global value chain participation, economic upgrading, economic resilience, and outward foreign direct investment.

Carlo Pietrobelli © Palgrave 2023Carlo Pietrobelli
Professor, UNESCO Chair, United Nations University
UNU-MERIT, The Netherlands
Department of Economics, Roma Tre University, Italy
Editorial Area: Innovation; industrial policy; development
Area Scope: Manuscripts that focus on global value chains, industrial policy, and international development. Includes studies that focus on global value chain participation, economic upgrading, technology upgrading, innovation policy, local content policies, industry 4.0.

Ke Rong © Palgrave 2023Ke Rong
Professor, Institute of Economics
Tsinghua University, China
Editorial area: Business ecosystem; digital economy; sharing economy; China; data ecosystem; digital internationalization; platform multinational companies
Area scope: Manuscripts that focus on business ecosystems and emerging technological areas such as the digital economy, data market, integrated chips, 3D printing, electric vehicles, smartphone, mobile internet, industrial internet and sharing economy.

Rob van Tulder © Palgrave 2023Rob van Tulder
Professor of International Business-Society Management, Rotterdam School of Management
Erasmus University, The Netherlands
Editorial Area: Global goals/challenges; international governance; multi-stakeholder collaboration processes; wicked problems
Area Scope: Submissions focused on the global and international dimensions of sustainability, including those related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, ethical and strategic aspects of multinational corporate responsibility, MNE-stakeholder relations and engagement, and social movement and civil society activism toward MNEs.

Hinrich Voss © Palgrave 2023Hinrich Voss
Professor of International Business Management
University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Editorial Area: Institutions; foreign direct investment; sustainability; China
Area Scope: Manuscripts that advance our knowledge on sustainability and ethics within MNEs and global value chains. This includes studies on human rights vulnerabilities and their implications for policy. Furthermore, manuscripts that focus on outward foreign direct investment from emerging markets, particularly China.


Consistent with this editorial team’s goal to publish the finest and most impactful international business research for better policy, PAC provides advice to the editors on attracting, reviewing and enhancing policy-oriented IB research. The members of the Committee will also work with the Area Editors and authors to strengthen the discussion of the policy insights provided in conditionally accepted papers.

Lucian Cernat © Palgrave 2023Lucian Cernat
Head, Global Regulatory Cooperation and International Procurement Negotiations
European Commission
Policy area: trade; regulatory cooperation; digital technology; Europe

Victor Luiz Do Prado © Palgrave 2023Victor Luiz Do Prado
Senior Fellow, Centro Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais, Portugal
Policy area: global governance, arbitration, international law

Bernard Hoekman © Palgrave 2023Bernard Hoekman
Professor and Director, Global Economics, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute
Policy area: international trade; economic development; regulatory cooperation; public procurement

Mia Mikic © Palgrave 2023Mia Mikic
Advisor at Large at ARTNeT – Asia Pacific Research and Training Network
Policy area: trade and investment; sustainable development; Asia-Pacific

Sebastien Miroudot © Palgrave 2023Sebastien Miroudot
Senior Trade Policy Analyst, OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate
Policy area: global value chains, service trade

Anne Miroux © Palgrave 2023Anne Miroux
Faculty Fellow, Emerging Market Institute, Johnson Graduate School of Management
Policy area: developing country debt, foreign direct investment, technology and innovation policies.
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Andrew Mold © Palgrave 2023Andrew Mold
Chief, Regional and Integration and AfCFTA, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)
Policy area: gender and development, development policy, Africa

Arianna Rossi © Palgrave 2023Arianna Rossi
Senior research and policy coordinator, Action Programme on Decent Work Outcomes in Supply Chains, International Labour Organization
Policy area: labor, gender, global value chains

Amelia Santos-Paulino © Palgrave 2023Amelia Santos-Paulino
Chief, Investment Research Section, UNCTAD
Policy area: foreign direct investment, human development

Lei Zhang © Palgrave 2023Lei Zhang
WTO Chair and Dean, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE).
Policy area: trade policy, global value chains, intellectual property