TSA-Palgrave-Macmillan Award for Research in Transatlantic Studies


Any member of the TSA who has a PhD or (in exceptional circumstances) equivalent publishing record and who wishes to conduct research into any aspect of transatlantic studies. Principally, these are:
• Economics and Business Studies
• Environmental studies
• Film
• History
• International Relations
• Literature and cultural studies
• Politics
• Race, Slavery and Migration
• Security Studies (especially relating to NATO)
• Theatre

The transatlantic region is broadly defined and includes the Americas and the Caribbean in the west and Europe extending to Russia the Middle East and Africa in the east.

The criteria used by the judging panel to assess applications will be:

  • Originality of the research project and its potential contribution to the field of transatlantic studies;
  • Projects that extend the conception of transatlantic methodologies;
  • Feasibility of the research for which funding is sought and a clear indication of how this contributes to the project as a whole;
  • A good record of research activity on the applicant’s part, commensurate with the stage of their career;
  • An ambitious but feasible set of outcomes anticipated to result from the research;
  • Indicative timeline for completion of project or this research component;
  • The potential for the research to lead to a high quality paper to be presented at the TSA annual conference and an article in the JTS;

Stipulations of Award
Recipients of the award must present a paper at the TSA annual conference based on the research carried out with the funding within 24 months of receiving the award.

Recipients of the award must submit an article for publication in the JTS based on the research carried out with the funding within 24 months of receiving the award.

Recipients of the award must provide a 500-word report on the use of the funds and the outputs resulting within 12 months of receiving the award (to be published in the TSA newsletter and on the Palgrave-Macmillan website.)

Information Required of Applicants

Basic personal information (name, contact details etc.).

Outline of research project (500 words).

Explanation of what the funding is sought for (and how this will contribute to the overall project) (300 words).

Outline budget (taking in travel, subsistence and any other expenses).

Anticipated outputs of research project.

Details of any other funding received for the project (and applied for).

Two page CV.

Timeline of Award
January: Applications for award invited.
1st of May: Deadline for applications
April-end of May: Assessment of applications.
July: Announcement of award at TSA annual conference.

Judging Panel
The TSA management committee will appoint a judging panel, bearing in mind that the panel should reflect diversity of discipline, academic seniority, gender, and geographic location. A representative of the JTS senior editorial board will sit on the panel, as well as one TSA officer.

Application forms can be downloaded here.

Applications should be sent to the Secretary of the TSA, Kristin Cook at kc31@soas.ac.uk