The Editors of Journal of Brand Management are seeking papers for forthcoming issues, and are particularly keen to encourage submissions in the following research areas:

  • How companies manage their brands
  • The techniques and initiatives used by agencies and consultants
  • Case studies which explore practical experiences
  • Models and theories used in brand management practice
  • Applied research from institutions

Read the full Call for Papers (pdf, 221 kB)

Special Issue Proposals

The Journal of Brand Management regularly publishes themed Special Issues. If you would like to submit a proposal for the Journal’s consideration, please complete the proposal form and send it to

Download the special issue proposal form here.

Special Issue: Conscientious Brands: Making Sustainability and Responsibility Work

Guest editors

  • Dr Oriol Iglesias (ESADE Business School, Spain)
  • Professor Nicholas Ind (Kristiania University College, Norway)
  • Dr Nathalia C Tjandra (Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom)
  • Dr Alessandro Feri (John Cabot University, Italy)
  • Professor Francisco Guzman (University of North Texas, USA)
  • Dr Zoe Lee (Cardiff University, UK)


As the world faces increasing societal and environmental challenges, stakeholders have raised their expectations for the conduct and integrity of organizations and their brands. It is no longer enough for brands to merely acknowledge the problems facing the world, stakeholders now believe that brands should actively contribute to solving these problems by improving the quality of life and addressing environmental issues.

The sustainability agenda, which balances the needs of people, planet and profit, is rapidly becoming a requirement simply to operate. This means more than simply telling positive stories. It concerns a brand's willingness to embed conscience into its actions and to shift to a broader focus on creating value.

This is the arena of conscientious brands, which suggests that brands, like people, can have moral agency and can choose to act in ways that make a positive contribution to the world. Such brands are built on their willingness to think issues through critically from the perspective of all stakeholders and to work together to deliver transformative change.

Conscientious brands encompass a moral orientation that can integrate concepts such as sustainability, diversity, inclusion and equality as deliberative acts.

Due to the increasing interest in the topic and changes in the marketing sphere, it is time to expand the debates and discussions on conscientious brands. We welcome paper submissions that focus on enhancing the existing body of literature on conscientious brands. Contributions can be conceptual and/or empirical (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods).

Please see the full Call to Papers for suggested possible research topics.


Manuscripts submitted for consideration in this Journal of Brand Management (JBM) Special Issue must conform to the latest author guidelines for JBM as outlined on the journal’s website at the time of submission (

Manuscripts should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words in length, inclusive of words in tables but excluding references.

Manuscripts must be submitted via the online submission system of JBM while ensuring to select the option Special Issue: Conscientious Brands during submission

The submission and review process will be managed by the Journal Guest Editors.

The SI submission option will open in the online submission system on 30/06/2024.

The closing date for submissions is 30/09/2024.

To see the full Call for Papers please click here.

Contacts and further questions

For all editorial questions regarding the Special Issue please contact the Journal Guest Editors by email:

For all technical submission queries (e.g., problems with the online submission system) please contact Harini Venkatesan at the publisher’s Journal Editorial Office by email: